Tokenomics DAO Podcast
Monthly Strategy Update May

Monthly Strategy Update May

Summary of what we've been working on in the past month and outlook to what we want to do in the coming months.


  1. Twitter / Content Ownership (Cryptobaba, Youngyoung)

  2. Team rank added: for taking ownership.

  3. Rolling cohort introduced ( 13 members) 

  4. Evaluation Framework Prototype (5 members participated in trying it and we got good feedback)

  5. Two consulting engagements (web2 company NFT, web3 developer community)

  6. 500 subscribers on substack, almost 800 twitter followers, …

  7. Education series planned with latecheckoutplz

  8. Hivemind tool idea

  9. New Website under construction


  1. Evaluation Framework MVP

  2. Launch new website

  3. Working out token ecosystem / our own token

  4. Trial the hive mind: Host more hive mind sessions 

  5. Good pipeline of clients / frequent requests / ideally onboard more contributors into shadowing mode

  6. Twitter template for evaluation framework so we can create weekly evaluations

  7. Kickstart Medium content creation

  8. Like to get more interview onto the podcast

If there you find any of these interesting, reach out to us!

Tokenomics DAO Podcast
Tokenomics DAO is a place to explore and collaborate on tokenomics of web3 protocols and blockchain applications. This podcast is one more way we make tokenomics accessible to anyone with an interest in the subject.