Orca Pods breaking up monolithic DAOs into sub-DAO like structures. https://open.spotify.com/episode/26nZgabDqmC6mFZabLnJue?si=xkkjd5p-RRW78yc_UZjuMA&context=spotify%3Acollection%3Apodcasts%3Aepisodes
this could help with the problem many organisations face when growing too large - lack of responsibility and ownership
Crypto market’s tanked. VCs like 3AC are going down. Have VCs come to the Minsky Moments now? https://pivotal.substack.com/p/minsky-moments-in-venture-capital?s=r
A token is an amazing vehicle for value capture, but what exactly is value capture and why is it important? https://medium.com/evergreen-business-weekly/why-value-capture-is-the-most-important-business-idea-you-haven-t-read-enough-about-c035c657d091
“Margin is a measure of value capture”
“The test of value is pricing power i.e. if you can increase prices without losing business”
https://gdkeys.com/keys-to-economic-systems/ - Interesting piece on in-game economics
great inflationary examples from games like Diablo and World of Warcraft
sources and sinks e.g. where do coins come from and where are they spent
Familiar looking diagram style to map out in-game mechanics:/

well written simple and easy to understand guide to tokenomics
entry level breakdown of supply / demand